Monday, June 8, 2009

Come to the Table - II

This week, I'd like to take a break from the book of Joshua and delve into the wonderful and mysterious topic of the Trinity. Since this is a study on the Spirit-filled life, it would be wise to acquaint ourselves better with the person of the Holy Spirit. How can God manifest Himself in three persons and yet be completely One? It is a difficult concept for our finite minds to grasp. But there is something so powerful about being in relationship with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Most of us know these names, but do we relate to Him in all three aspects of His Personality? Does it matter? Yes! I believe it can add tremendous depth and dimension to our relationship with the God of the Universe.

I recently joined a women's Bible study which is covering the topic of the Holy Spirit. Last week we looked at Genesis 1:26 where God says, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." This passage highlights several important characteristics of God. First, that Father, Son and Spirit were all involved in Creation. Second, that God exists in relationship with Himself. And third, He created man in His image, according to His likeness. God exists in relationship and created us to be in relationship with Him and other people. Think about it....God is dialoging with Himself about the creation of man! For some reason, that blows my mind. There is constant conversation going on in Heaven. Doesn't it make you wonder what else He talks about? :)

One of my favorite teachers, Graham Cooke, offers a helpful picture. In our western mindset, we tend to visualize the Trinity as a triangle with the Father at the top and Jesus and the Spirit opposite each other at the bottom. But this implies a hierarchy which does not accurately represent God's nature. A better picture is that of a round table with three figures sitting around it, equal in relation to each other. This sparks the idea of the Communion table or the place where we dine with the Lord through the Word and prayer. If the Father, Son and Spirit are already there, talking with each other, we are just joining in the fellowship. When we come to His table, we enter into the conversation. God made us in His image to be able to commune with Him, in all aspects of His Personality. Isn't that cool? I can't wrap my mind around it, but my heart is amazed.

Thought Questions: What is your picture of the Trinity? Do you see the Holy Spirit as a Person with knowledge, feeling and will? Or do you treat Him as an impersonal power or force? As my new Bible study leader said last week..."A correct understanding of the Holy Spirit will change your life". (Thanks Jenny!)

1 comment:

Carmen said...

I, too, have been enjoying the person of the Holy Spirit and benefited greatly from Jenny's study group.

I am deliberately delineating between the different personalities of God. I figure if the Father could separate Himself from Himself on the cross after placing the sin of the world upon Jesus, He can assist me in
relating to Him uniquely respectively to His three persons.

I decided to give attention to the Holy Spirit as the Great Teacher and I'm having a blast looking into the Word with Him as my special Tutor at my side, available for all my questions.

Since that study, I relate to Father as in heaven, on the throne at all times, and I go to Him in prayer, Jesus always at my side and sitting at the right hand of the Father, and my Teacher available to assist me in prayer and growing in the grace and knowledge of the Truth.

Revelations refers to the sevenfold Spirit of God and references Isaiah. Off the top of my head, they are the Spirit of Wisdom, Spirit of Knowledge, the Spirit of the Fear of God... but I can't recall the others.

Bless you my friend. Keep blogging Jen. It is fun hearing your thoughts.