First, "When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests, the Levites, bearing it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it." Joshua 3:3b
The ark signified the presence of God. When they saw the ark begin to move, they were to go after it. Likewise, when our God is on the move, we need to be quick to follow. Question: are we ready to "set out from our place" - our comfort zone - to follow Him? Or do we find it easier to just stay put? Can we sense when He's on the move or are we too caught up in our own lives to pay attention? God won't force or coerce us to make the right choices (something I'm learning about as a parent). He will communicate His desire and set off in that direction hoping we will follow. It's up to us to listen and obey. I don't know about you, but I don't want to get too far behind the presence of God.
After the Israelites were commanded to follow, Joshua issues a strange instruction. "Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure. Do not come near it, that you may know the way by which you must go, for you have not passed this way before." Joshua 3:4
The Israelites were to follow the ark at a distance of approximately 1/2 mile. Jon Courson notes, "It's as if God was saying, "Follow Me, but don't push Me." In past studies, we've been looking at the biblical foundation for being filled with the Spirit. It's not about seeking an experience or getting caught up in emotion. It's about receiving His power for witnessing and living the true Christian life. There are many examples of Spirit-filled believers in Scripture and in our lives today. While it is good to learn from example, it doesn't mean God is going to do exactly the same thing in our lives. He is far more creative than that. Courson puts it well, "People say, "I'm going to have the same experience that he or she or they had." God however, wants to take us where we've never been before. Therefore, it's the wise man or woman who says, "Lord, I want Your anointing. And I'm going to give You space to work it out any way You choose."
The second command Joshua gives the people is to "Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you." Joshua 3:5
The word "sanctify" in Hebrew means to "set-apart" or "to prepare" for holy use. The people were to purify themselves so they would be prepared to enter the new land. Courson says, "The same thing is true spiritually. A lot of people are trying to be filled with the Spirit when in reality they need to be emptied of sin. They need to say, "Search my heart, Lord. Show me the things that are restricting the flow of Your Spirit." How true this is. We need to keep short accounts with God and ask these questions on a daily basis. The "restrictions" may not even be sinful things, but anything that takes priority over God is an idol. When we pray like this, He is faithful to show us what is getting in the way and restore the flow of intimacy with Him.
Let's not forget that the people were to sanctify themselves in expectation of the "wonders" the Lord would do among them. Purification doesn't have to be a drag. It is exciting to realize what God can do in us and through us when the Spirit is flowing freely. It's worth the effort to let God deal with our "selves". He has amazing things in store.
Questions: Ask the Lord if you are ready to move into fullness of life in His Spirit or if there is anything that still needs to be worked out in your heart. If there is sin, confess it and receive his forgiveness. Ask Him how HE sees you and receive His power to follow while giving Him space to lead.
Interesting Jennifer. I have never thought about Joshua's comment/command to stay back as being applicable to my life. Realizing that God wants to take me somewhere new and I can't push Him to do anything!
I think there is much that needs worked out in my heart. I will take this to God today. Thanks!
Wonderful, thought provoking ideas.
Since the week long fast our church experienced, God has been pushing the darkness out of my heart and making room for Love. I also sense I have been more at ease with the bit in my mouth and not so antsy.
The strategies of the Enemy are becoming clearer also. I want to be right where God wants me so I can hear, obey and be an instrument of love for His glory.
Jennifer, I love your Blog. Keep on posting.
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