Thursday, October 2, 2008

A New Idea

Well, I'm finally getting on the blog a manner of speaking. My wise husband, Tim, suggested that I start one as a spiritual outlet where I could post devotional thoughts. I'm one of those people who learns best when I'm teaching or writing for others. So even if no one reads it, I think it will be worthwhile for me personally.

I've had a certain topic on my heart for the past two years - abiding in the Spirit-filled life. At one point, I started writing a Bible study on the topic. But it's been a challenging season for our family with the addition of our son Cole (11 months) to join sister Sophie (age 4). During the pregnancy and subsequent sleep-deprived fog, I lost focus and studying fell by the wayside. After Tim's blog suggestion, the two ideas merged in my head. So I'm going to try to post, hopefully weekly, devotionals on this topic. Perhaps it will help me, and others, to discover the amazing abundance of the Spirit-Filled life that is available to every believer.


Jodiferkay said...

A devotional sort of focus is perfect for you and I have no doubt that your posts will make for great and thought-provoking reads. Looking forward to following the journey as you exercise your spiritual gifts and teaching talents!

Unknown said...

I remember when you started to write a Bible study on this subject. It will be wonderful to follow your thots and what God is teaching you. Now that I have my new computer, I can actually log onto a blog! As always, I look forward to continuing in our God journey together.